Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Donna
McGarry author of Zodiacts: Leo Limelight Lunacy:Dance of the Dueling Divas.
were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in the Bronx, New York. I currently live in
Nyack. NY.
Tell us about
something that has just happened or is about to happen in your life that you
would like to share.
I’m very excited that I got current and transformed
Zodiacts: Taurus Treehouse into a multi-touch ebook for ITunes!
What date were you
born? - you can leave off the year if you like.
June 24. Like I said I’m a Cancer(homebody) with an Aquarius
Moon(I’m an eccentric weirdo) and Sagittarius rising (When I do leave the house
it’s for hiking and seminars).
What is the name of
your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what
would you say?
Zodiacts: Leo Limelight Lunacy: Dance of the Dueling Divas
This book introduces young readers to the energies of the
zodiac sign Leo. Starrkitty finds her arch rival Lola Leo performing in a solo
show, and promptly embarks on upstaging her.
If you gave one of
your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say? Starrkitty
would say, “It certainly was kind of me to extend myself to that poor,
unfortunate, one-trick pony Lola Leo!”
Do you have plans for
a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Yes, I’ll be starting on the Virgo book next. It’s
tentatively titled ‘Vinny d’ Virgo and his Venison Stew.’
What books have
influenced your writing?
I’m a big Dr. Seuss fan.
Is there an Author
that you would really like to meet?
Charles M. Schulz or Tennessee Williams
Do you prefer ebooks,
paperbacks or hardcover?
My Sun sign is Cancer, so I’m one of the old sticks in the
mud who prefer a hardcover.
Where do you prefer
to buy your books?
I love to wander around the bookstore or library and browse
that way.
Are you a self
published (Indie) Author?
I self-published the series. It never occurred to me to seek
a traditional publisher.
Is your book in
Print, ebook or both?
My books are all in print. I just finished an interactive,
narrated version of Zodiacts:Taurus Treehouse for ITunes and an ebook for
Kindle Fire. I’m going to convert the other 4 this year.
What book would you
like to read again?
Because I happened upon it today and couldn’t remember it
very well, ‘I Know This Much Is True’. I remember loving it.
Is there a particular
movie that you preferred over the book version?
Get back to me on this one.
What book are you
currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
The Book of Pluto by Steven Forrest in paperback.
Are there any Authors
that have grasped your interest recently and why?
I just this year fell for T.C. Boyle. I love his flawed
characters, his pacing, the vocabulary, and the topics.
Who designed the
cover of your book?
I do all the artwork in photoshop.
Do you buy a book by
the cover?
I get attracted by the cover, but then like to go to the
middle of the book to check out the writing style.
Do you have a book
I did a trailer for my book Zodiacts: Taurus Treehouse
What are your
thoughts on book trailers?
Some are fun, but books aren’t movies and I don’t think they
necessarily have to be.
Do you write under a
pen name?
Do you have a
My niece started calling me Puppy when she was 2 and it
Did you have a
favorite toy as a child?
I had a big Raggedy Ann collection when I was little. My
family and I imbued them with specific personalities and used to talk in their
voices as a way of communicating with each other.
An early childhood memory -
Being shushed.
Do you ever write in
your PJ’s?
As we speak.
What are your pet
Unkindness and people who just run water for no apparent reason.
Any pets that you
would like to tell us about, share a pic?
I have a 15 year old shih tzu who is the boss of me. He
sleeps 23 hours a day with one eye open. As soon as I try to slip out he goes
ballistic. His barks sounds like, “Where’s the help! Heads will roll!”
White wine or red?
Coffee or tea?
So you like to
cook? Do you have a favorite food?
My sesame noodles are yummy, and my vegetable lasagna is
delicious. Pizza is my favorite.
Vanilla or chocolate
Berry sorbet
What do you normally
eat for breakfast, of do you skip it and get straight to work?
Yoga, banana, get to it.
What are 4 things you
never leave home without (apart from keys, money and phone)?
Shoes. I roam unencumbered.
Sleep in or get up
Early riser
Laptop or desktop for
Your favorite gadget
I’m not into gadgets at all. Finally got a cell last year,
but I do love the photoshop!
Where and when do you
prefer to do your writing?
At home and whenever I can.
Your thoughts on receiving
book reviews - the good and the bad -
Not being media savvy, I find it hard to get my work out
into the world. I’m going to go with ‘any press is good press.’
If you were deserted
on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?
Bill Murray- I’d have to risk him putting dead animals in my
sleeping bag but he seems like entertaining company-
Steven Forrest -he’s a great storyteller and I could talk
astrology with him-
Michelle Obama-She can garden and stand up to Bill Murray
Where is one place in
the world that you would really love to visit someday?
One of your favorite
quotes -
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney
List 3 books you just
recently read and would recommend?
Water Music by T.C. Boyle. I was at the end of my seat with
this one. It’s set in the late 18th century, is entertaining and chock full of
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell-I love the multiple story
lines, the various writing styles and the time travel.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen- I wasn’t crazy about the
writing, especially the dialogue, but I’m fascinated by carnie life and loved
the story.
List 3 of your
favorite movies?
Groundhog Day-my favorite romantic comedy
Hannah and Her Sisters-I’m a big Woody Allen fan
Fargo-Love that Steve Buscemi. I had a dream once where he
fixed my car and I ran after him yelling . “We’ll work together one day Steve.”
An actor or a book
character you have a crush on -
I had a crush on that Pullo from the TV show Rome
What is a movie or TV
show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed?
I’m behind on Game of Thrones because I don’t have HBO but I
really got sucked in to the first two seasons. Love that Arya
If your book was made
into a TV series or Movie, what actors would you like to see playing your
characters? Feel free to add pics.
It would be voices since it’s illustrated so:
Sofia Vergara or Mae West! for Starrkitty
Maise Williams as Sally Sagittarius
Arnold Schwarzenegger for Grannitaurus
Since you reminded about my Steve Buscemi fixation, he’s in
for Andy Aries!
David Hyde Pierce for Leo
Do you have any
advice for other writers?
Sit down and do it!
Where can your
readers stalk you?